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Our members serve Fresno, Madera, Tulare, and Kings Counties.

© 2016 Fresno F.A.C.T.
All Rights Reserved.

Fresno F.A.C.T. is a non-profit
Labor Management Alliance.


Please contact our members directly for more information or to discuss your next project.

F.A.C.T. Electrical Contractors
The electrical contractors of the Fresno Area Construction Team perform work in industrial, commercial, institutional and residential markets. They provide a diverse range of services to accomplish any electrical system design, design-build, project management, and field operation.

A/C Electric - Visalia
Chris Ford
Phone: (559) 732-4733
Fax: (559) 732-0954

Services: IND, COM

A/C Electric - Fresno
Chris Ford
Phone: (559) 233-2208
Fax: (559) 233-6849

Services: IND, COM

Albright Electric
Steve Shuck
Phone: (559) 486-1268
Mobile: (559) 351-0968
Fax: (559) 486-5872

Services: COM, RES

All Service Electric
George Soghmonian
Phone: (559) 834-1499
Fax: (559) 834-4743

Services: COM

Bedard Controls, Inc.
Paul Bedard
Phone: (559) 271-8990
Fax: (559) 271-2661
Visit website
(new window): www.bedardcontrols.com

Services: SPEC

Central California Electronics
Mike Pray
Phone: (559) 485-1254
Fax: (559) 485-3963

Services: SPEC

Chuck Mellon
Phone: (559) 868-6460
Mobile: (209) 341-0607
Fax: (559) 454-8172

Cole Electric Repair Services
Michael Cole
Phone: (559) 298-6464
Fax: (559) 325-9282

Collins Electric - Fresno
Dave Helsel
Phone: (559) 454-8164
Mobile: (209) 993-0518
Fax: (559) 454-8172

Services: IND, COM

Contra Costa Elect
Matt Furrer
Phone: (559) 277-7900
Fax: (559) 277-4920

Services: IND, COM

Electric Motor Shop
Dick Caglia
Phone: (559) 650-1153
Fax: (559) 650-1111

Services: IND, COM, SPEC

Fresno's Best Industrial Electrical Company
Arron Lane
Phone: (559) 994-2232
Fax: (559) 436-8576

Hilly Howl, Inc.
Carl (Bill) W. Tunnell
Mobile: (559) 905-4884
Fax: (559) 442-4884

Howe Electric
Harold Scott
Phone: (559) 255-8992

Fax: (559) 255-9745

Services: IND, COM

Lane Electric
Dennis Lane
Phone: (559) 291-7803
Fax: (559) 291-7835

Power Design Electric, Inc.
Robert & John Glover
Phone: (559) 897-2599
Mobile: (559) 393-2599 (Robert Glover)
Fax: (559) 897-0189

Strategic Mechanical, Inc.
Lonnie Petty
Phone: (559) 291-1952
Fax: (559) 291-1805

Services: IND, COM

Sunrise Systems LVC, Inc.
John Tapia
Phone: (559) 477-4140
Mobile: (559) 240-0992
Fax: (559) 277-3303

Services: SPEC

Tim R. Trull Electric, Inc.
Tim R. Trull
Phone: (559) 674-8597
Fax: (559) 675-8220

Turnupseed Electric - Tulare
Bradley W. Webb
Phone: (559) 686-1541
Mobile: (661) 900-6234
Other: (686-0118 (Accounting Fax)
Fax: (559) 686-4454 (Front Office)
Oth Fax: (559) 686-4644

Services: IND, COM

Wild Electric
Fred Merlo
Phone: (559) 251-7770
Fax: (559) 251-2372

Services: COM, LTCOM, RES



IND = Industrial

COM = Commercial

LTCOM = Light Commercial

RES = Residential

FAB = Fabrication

SPEC = Specialty